ICLC Members in Rhode Island
LIN, Meiyun, (Annie)
- Curator of the East Asian Collection
- Special Collection, East Asian
- Brown University Library
- Brown University
- 10 Prospect Street
- Providence, RI 02912
- U.S.A.
- (401)863-2171
- (401)863-1272
- ap201167@brownvm.brown.edu
- research interest: History--China and Japan
QU, Xinhua
- University of Rhode Island
- Rhode Island
- U.S.A.
- xqu@chm.uri.edu
MA, Yan
- Professor
- Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
- University of Rhode Island
- Kingston, RI 02881
- U.S.A.
- yanma@uri.edu
Created 12/1/1995.
Last modified 7/20/2006 by Webmaster.