ICLC Members in Ohio
JIN, Xudong
- Associate Director and Head of Technical Services
- History/International Studies Librarian
- Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries
- 43 Rowland Avenue
- Delaware, OH 43015
- U.S.A.
- (740) 368-3250(office)
- xdjin@owu.edu
LEE, Hwa-Wei
- Dean of University Libraries and Professor of Education
- Ohio University Libraries
- Alden Library 510
- Athens, Ohio 45701
- U.S.A.
- (614) 593-2705 (Work)
- (614) 593-2959 (Fax)
- leeh@ohiou.edu
- Research Interest: Library management; International librarianship; Academic libraries; Fundraising and grantsmanship
- Volunteer Area: Library consultation in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
LI, Guoqing
- East Asian Library
- 310 Main Library
- The Ohio State University
- 1858 Neil Avenue Mall
- Columbus, OH 43210
- (614)292-9597 (office)
- (614)292-7859 (fax)
- li.272@osu.edu
LI, Haipeng
- Reference Librarian/Outreach Coordinator
- Oberlin College Library
- Oberlin, OH 44074
- U.S.A.
- (440)775-5026
- (440)775-8739 (fax)
- haipeng.li@oberlin.edu
WU, Xiaoqi
- Ohio State University
- Columbus, Ohio
- U.S.A.
- xiawu@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
YU, Hongyuan
- Ohio State University
- Columbus, Ohio
- U.S.A.
- hongyuyu@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
YU, Victor L.
- User Services Specialist
- Asia Pacific Services
- OCLC, Inc.
- 6565 Frantz Road
- Dublin, OH 43017-0707
- U.S.A.
- (614)764-6344
- (614)481-7974 (fax)
- yu@oclc.org
- research interest: networking communication ; Chinese computing
ZHANG, Weiping
- Documents Librarian
- Government Documents Dept.
- Libraries/Media Services
- Kent State University
- Kent, OH 44242
- U.S.A.
- (216)672-2159
- (216)672-4811 (fax)
- wzhang1@kentvm.kent.edu
- research interest: Technical processing of government documents; Reference; Students training, etc.
ZHONG, Jianmin
- Case Western Reserve University
- Cleveland, Ohio
- U.S.A.
- jxz9@pyrite.som.cwru.edu
Created 12/1/1995.
Last modified 3/2/2010 by Webmaster.