General Guidelines for Book Reviewers
Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal

The book review section of the Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal (CLIEJ) aims to cover the current resources of interest to information professionals and have a focus pertinent to China and librarianship. It seeks to publish reviews that are fair and objective, descriptive and evaluative.

Reviews should normally be in the 500 word range and should be completed in less than one month.

Reviews should begin with full bibliographic details, set flush with the left margin, in the following order:

Title: subtitle. Author or editor. Series statement. Place of publication: publisher, date. Number of pages. Price. Format of copy reviewed (hard or soft cover, etc.). ISBN.

A review should be both descriptive and evaluative: arrangement and content should be described in enough objective detail to enable the reader to know what the work is about; your evaluation should offer a critical assessment of the work's thesis, point of view and content, including comparisons with related works where appropriate. It should conclude with a summary statement indicating your assessment of the work's place in the professional literature. If the publication is being recommended, a sentence or two should summarize why - such statements are often used by publishers in subsequent publicity.

Try to avoid unnecessary jargon and "insider" information, and write in a style that is interesting and accessible to readers of CLIEJ, most of whom are library information professionals. The reviewer's name institutional affiliation and email address (e.g., Wenxian Zhang, Rollins College, should appear at the end of the review, set flush with the right margin.

Submission of Completed Review

Review should be submitted as a Word document to the Editor in an email attachment within one month of receiving the item for review. As a reward for doing the professional work, the book becomes the property of the reviewer.

Please send the completed review to:

Professor Wenxian Zhang
Rollins College Box 2768
Winter Park, FL 32789